Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Great Escape

Dont' Do it Mr. German Nutcracker!

See, it's not just me trying to stall this Christmas cleanup. I found this little one trying to escape the peril of dark and dusty until November. Poor Guy, he's been with us the last nine years and I think he is tired of being thrown in with the newbie lights and fake green wreaths.

Auf Weiderdehen Herr Nutcracker...

(back to work, thanks for humoring me)

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


A few days ago, Davina posted a picture of her sweetie dd with pigtails. Our girls are about the same age...and I just was so impressed that her dd kept the pigtails long enough to take pictures. Rafaella doesn't like anything on her head, even that so loved knitted hat I posted a little while ago.

I couldn't get over how cute pigtails were, so yesterday I hunted down Rafaella with 2 tiny hair bands and ever so stealthfully banded her hair. I gave her everythng from my keys to my wallet to distract her, and after about the 4th time, I was able to band both sides of her head.

I sat her down and gave her this piggy bank to kiss while I took a picture. Imagine me saying, "look! kiss! kiss! puuuppy? puuuuppy kiss? kiss? kiss the puppy!"


On the sewing front, I was working on a quilt for an anniversary present that just wasn't making me smile. I just wasn't feeling was a basic rail fence pattern, which would have turned out nicely I'm sure, but I couldn't get myself to finish it.

So, I put it away.

I found a free wall quilt pattern of simple hand applique'd flowers and leaves. I started cutting into the shapes yesterday. It will be a miniature quilt, the flowers seen here are about 2 inches wide, but I'm really enjoying it thus far...hopefully I will have most of it pieced by the end of next week.

And yes, this present is late.


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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Off the needles :)

...and in time for a shower. Yes, I did a totally unthinkable thing and had a present ready for a shower. On time.

Though we are not going to mention that I was seaming crazily the night before (before going onto the night shift), and blocking and praying that it would be dry the next day. Nope. we won't even breathe about it!


I really love making newborn items because they knit up quickly, and it satisfies the seamstress in have something ready in a reasonable amount of time. The pattern is the Baby Yoda Sweater using worsted weight BFL. Isn't the colorway pretty? Marina hand dyed it...and I received about 10 oz in trade, so I just have enough to make Rafaella a little something this spring.

I have been picking up a few shifts here and there; this week I am working three shifts, which is almost a full time load. Lots of babies being born and I am so lucky to be able to meet them and their mommies. I am able to choose my schedule, so it's all seeming to flow very well around here.

Granted my Christmas decorations are still up...but I am blaming that on our family's refusal to move on from the holiday celebrations. Does that count?

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

The same face.

Can you guess who I am?

Am I the meticulous eldest child, in love with all things mechanical....turning gadgets on its side, determined to see and how it works. The one who runs to his sister's aid when she attempting to reach for something too tall for her, the one who helps his little brother make his bed in the morning.

Am I the sensitive middle child, the youngest son, who instinctively puts his arms around his mother while both peering into the oven. The one who cannot sleep unless his brother is in the same room with him, the one who puts away the plastic dishes on his own volition.

Or am I the sassy and independent youngest child, the only girl, who is in love with toting around the cereal box. The one who cooks in her play kitchen when her mother is cooking, the one who can convince her brothers to readily part with their toys.

They have the same face. But in their differences, they complete this family. And I love them with the same fervor.

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Friday, January 12, 2007

Yup. This is the Gist of it.

Last week, I visited Joyce's blog and just ooh'd and ahh'd over her studio. There are so many studios out there in blog land I have seen...I love that crafters love to share their space and center of their creativity and work.

I really gravitated to Joyce's studio because it both inspiration-filled and was a definite beautiful workspace. Though I have known here only through years in message boards and online presence, I can see Joyce working in there.

I commented and she replied that I should share my space, and lol .

I have been a crafter for a while but have only had a space to myself these last 1 1/2 years when we moved to this house. In the past I have worked on the kitchen table and didn't think of decorating it to my crafty liking per se. So, this space that I have now, only reflects the business that I do, filled with fabric, machines and lots of mess.

Life is slowly showing and teaching me however, that business is not just business. It is about nurturing that side of me that doesn't have the bottom line as its agenda. 2007 for me is all about finding that part of me again. I think that we all get caught up doing this thing or other, especially when there is success, and well, I am ready for a little change.

So, after posting these pictures I am making a plan to make this space really my own. Not just a practical space, but a space that can whisper my name to those that walk in. A space that I associate with my love of craft, not just the art of making business.

I do believe I just gave myself a challenge.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Is it *finally* starting to get cold enough

for Rafaella to wear this hat?

I finally had the motivation to finish this. It's been on my needles for a while, but with the rush of warm weather, I didn't feel the need to.

It was a quick knit using Full Belly Farm, dyed by Beemer Knits.

If this girl gets any more beautiful...

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Monday, January 08, 2007

Still a baby.

When someone asks me how long I have been a nurse, I say, "9 years"...and then I take a deep breath and say, "but I stayed home for 4 of them, I took a break to raise a family. I am just starting back up, but working just part time."

Now, when someone asks my preceptor how long she has been a nurse, she says, "34 years. 16 years at this hospital."...and then she says, proudly, "but I took 6 years off to have a family, and then didn't work full time until my last one was off to college."

This profession is Truly Wonderful.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Filipino Comfort Food: Picadillo (pick-a-d-yo)

...a smattering of yummy veggies : potatoes, onions, tomatoes and peas mixed in, cooked and simmered with a choice of ground meat or poulty.

Comfort food.

My mama made us this dish at least once a week. While other Americans had pizza, we had Picadillo. We ate it over steamed white rice, and served it to ourselves using a fork and spoon (one in each hand, just to make sure you know what I meant).

My kids now love the dish, mixed in with the same Calrose Rice.

I smile when I hear Cooper making "yum yum yum" sounds when he eats this dish, when Greggy asks for a second helping, or when Rafaella smashes the food all over her face.

Home is where love is...and where Picadillo is being made.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

C is for cookie...


Whew...the last of the Christmas Cookies go out to Greg's coworkers tomorrow. They have just finished cooling and I placed them into tins. I hope that they will be nice and fresh for the AM (maybe for breakfast?)

C is for confused...


My guage is right on. I followed the directions, and the wristwarmer is WAY. TOO. LARGE . Phooey. I didn't realize that my hands were that small and skinny. If the rest of my body was, I would be most grateful, but not this moment, with these hands.


C is for change...


I am trying again with a different pattern using this DK Blue Faced Laceiter Yarn hand dyed by Nada and Brad.

C is for Crossing my fingers

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Jumping back in, needles first.

Happy New Year!

The entire family greeted 2007, glued to the TV watching Carson Daly (how the heck did he get so popular, wasn't he just on TRL?) , me a little full and happy with some wine shared with Greg. This morning we were all just a tad bit grumpy from the lack of sleep.

Except this girl that is:

She was ready to go, full speed all day. To be an 18 month old!

I started on the Sewingmamas Wristwarmers Knitalong, after deciding that I am going to give my other hobbies a good effort this year, among others as part of my resolutions this year. I chose a fairly beginner pattern in hopes that I can finish it and either use or gift it.


I'm using some hand dyed Lindon Merino by Sharon, yummy stuff, and the greys are just perfect.

We had an awesome Christmas! My most relaxing to note thus far, because
1. I gave myself time off from working the business and
2. Giftgiving was ultra special this year, working with so many talented mothers, WAHMs and Designers, that all of the presents I gave were so personal, and definitely heartfelt.

Here's to a great and relaxing first of the year! I hope that you had a wonderful festive holiday.

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