Snow Day #2....
....hey! I'll take what I can get!
I've been gearing up for the Fluff Factory Auctions, and it has kept me busy, because while I am only contributing a few items I still have current orders to fulfill. And I had work this weekend. So, this mama is tired at the moment.
Hence the absolute relief that Greggy didn't have school today. Again. I'm not complaining! I took the opportunity to stay in my PJs and caught up on some chores and some knitting.
I ended up working the legs both at the same time, using each end of the ball of yarn. I was so paranoid that I would not have enough of this yarn for capris! But, I think it's going to is definitely longer than shorts; I can probably venture to say that it has reached "Bermuda" length! teehee. I'm giddy about it. I am finishing up the cuffs and hoping that this itty-bitty pink I have left will be enough for cuffs for both legs.
We did put on our wet weather gear and stomped around outside. There was even less snow than my last entry, but I decided to shovel the less than one inch on the ground just for kicks. I thought that my imagination would be good enough to make up snow for me to shovel. Not! I was so desperate I even started shoveling our front parking area.
I was so pleased to find this goodness in our mailbox today! It is PureWool Merino Yarn. I went in on a co-op and got 2 skeins of worsted and 1 skein of laceweight. It is my first try at this yarn and I am looking forward to knitting it up. The colors are magnificent. The pink is just oozing love.
Pink is definitely my favorite color. When I was a little girl, I even asked people to call me Pinky because I loved it so much. I declared it my nickname in the 5th grade; much to my dismay (at the time) loved ones still called me Niny. I wanted to break free after all, declare my own identity and persona, and at the time I wanted to associate myself with color.
Niny (pronounced "nee-nee") is a derivative of Tiffany. Get it: tiffa-neeenee? I have been called Niny from the moment I was born. But my Filipino aunts and uncles would skew it a little, calling me Neneng, or Ning or Ning Ning or Neng - oy! The pain in my ears! I couldn't handle it any more! I was in the fifth grade and totally wishing that my Tiffany Dara, Tiffany, Niny, Neng and what have you was an Ann, or Jennifer or Mary.
But my Parents insisted on being proud of my Mother watched me carefully when I would write my name on my assignments. "Write you whole name" she would say. "Your name is special".
I would roll my eyes (you know you did it too!) when my Mother wasn't looking and sighed in my head and wrote my name slowly, all gajillion letters of the four names that comprised my lineage.
Gratefully I was raised in such diverse communities in San Francisco, and both My Name and I fit right in. There was never a question as to who Tiffany Dara was. And somehow I became alright with that.
Years later when it was time to pick out personalized license plates for my first car (yes my parents were cool like dat!), I picked "Niny". This car, by the way, followed me all through college and now resides in my parents garage, still with the same license plates. Chez Niny also became our brand name. And I still absolutely do not respond to my brothers if they do not call me Ate ("big sister") Niny. And I now love my name, all four of my then maiden and all four of my now married name.
So, you can call me Tif, Tiffany Dara, Dara, Niny, Neng, Ning-Ning, Ning, Ne-Ne, or Pinky...I have learned that this is all me.
I've been gearing up for the Fluff Factory Auctions, and it has kept me busy, because while I am only contributing a few items I still have current orders to fulfill. And I had work this weekend. So, this mama is tired at the moment.
Hence the absolute relief that Greggy didn't have school today. Again. I'm not complaining! I took the opportunity to stay in my PJs and caught up on some chores and some knitting.

We did put on our wet weather gear and stomped around outside. There was even less snow than my last entry, but I decided to shovel the less than one inch on the ground just for kicks. I thought that my imagination would be good enough to make up snow for me to shovel. Not! I was so desperate I even started shoveling our front parking area.
I was so pleased to find this goodness in our mailbox today! It is PureWool Merino Yarn. I went in on a co-op and got 2 skeins of worsted and 1 skein of laceweight. It is my first try at this yarn and I am looking forward to knitting it up. The colors are magnificent. The pink is just oozing love.

Niny (pronounced "nee-nee") is a derivative of Tiffany. Get it: tiffa-neeenee? I have been called Niny from the moment I was born. But my Filipino aunts and uncles would skew it a little, calling me Neneng, or Ning or Ning Ning or Neng - oy! The pain in my ears! I couldn't handle it any more! I was in the fifth grade and totally wishing that my Tiffany Dara, Tiffany, Niny, Neng and what have you was an Ann, or Jennifer or Mary.
But my Parents insisted on being proud of my Mother watched me carefully when I would write my name on my assignments. "Write you whole name" she would say. "Your name is special".
I would roll my eyes (you know you did it too!) when my Mother wasn't looking and sighed in my head and wrote my name slowly, all gajillion letters of the four names that comprised my lineage.
Gratefully I was raised in such diverse communities in San Francisco, and both My Name and I fit right in. There was never a question as to who Tiffany Dara was. And somehow I became alright with that.
Years later when it was time to pick out personalized license plates for my first car (yes my parents were cool like dat!), I picked "Niny". This car, by the way, followed me all through college and now resides in my parents garage, still with the same license plates. Chez Niny also became our brand name. And I still absolutely do not respond to my brothers if they do not call me Ate ("big sister") Niny. And I now love my name, all four of my then maiden and all four of my now married name.
So, you can call me Tif, Tiffany Dara, Dara, Niny, Neng, Ning-Ning, Ning, Ne-Ne, or Pinky...I have learned that this is all me.
Love the shorts and that YARN!! Can't wait to see how that knits up!
Happy Valentine's Day, Tif!
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