
A few days ago, Davina posted a picture of her sweetie dd with pigtails. Our girls are about the same age...and I just was so impressed that her dd kept the pigtails long enough to take pictures. Rafaella doesn't like anything on her head, even that so loved knitted hat I posted a little while ago.
I couldn't get over how cute pigtails were, so yesterday I hunted down Rafaella with 2 tiny hair bands and ever so stealthfully banded her hair. I gave her everythng from my keys to my wallet to distract her, and after about the 4th time, I was able to band both sides of her head.
I sat her down and gave her this piggy bank to kiss while I took a picture. Imagine me saying, "look! kiss! kiss! puuuppy? puuuuppy kiss? kiss? kiss the puppy!"

On the sewing front, I was working on a quilt for an anniversary present that just wasn't making me smile. I just wasn't feeling it....it was a basic rail fence pattern, which would have turned out nicely I'm sure, but I couldn't get myself to finish it.
So, I put it away.
I found a free wall quilt pattern of simple hand applique'd flowers and leaves. I started cutting into the shapes yesterday. It will be a miniature quilt, the flowers seen here are about 2 inches wide, but I'm really enjoying it thus far...hopefully I will have most of it pieced by the end of next week.
And yes, this present is late.
Oh SO CUTE!!!!! I love them!
Oh are those pig tails ever SO CUTE! I love putting them in my girls hair, usually only do it on Sunday. My older daughter has shorter hair, and I don't quite pull the last part through so it makes a cute little bun, lol.
The quilt sounds interesting!
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