Ah, it's been a long week.
The change in weather, from hot to cold then back to hot, then to rain then to sun has promptly put a damper on the mood here in the Johnson household. I have 3 very. very. unhappy children, with runny noses, slight fevers and watery eyes.
...all of which results in a very. very. tired mama.
It should have been a *relaxing* week, seeing that Cooper missed school all week and Greggy didn't go to Tae Kwan Do. Instead, because my three decided to wake, eat, cough and cry in intervals, by 6 pm I am trying to combat my drooping eyelids with coffee.

I was so relieved to get these little pair of pants done, because I have been literally falling asleep while I knit. They are for a little baby B, son of a fellow Sewing Mama, who was born slightly premature.
I just noticed now in the picture that the ribbing has so much to be desired. *doh* . It clearly depicts that I was hanging by a thread, knitting in stupor...but I really tried to focus (I swear), because I wanted to finish it before he decides that he wasnts to undergo a growth spurt.
This is the Chai Latte colorway by Morwenna. Knit with Theresa's Picky Pants Pattern.
OK, I'm off to nap (notice I say Nap. Not "sleep"). Because I anticipate one of my sweet-ones will call for me in an hour or 2.
...all of which results in a very. very. tired mama.
It should have been a *relaxing* week, seeing that Cooper missed school all week and Greggy didn't go to Tae Kwan Do. Instead, because my three decided to wake, eat, cough and cry in intervals, by 6 pm I am trying to combat my drooping eyelids with coffee.

I was so relieved to get these little pair of pants done, because I have been literally falling asleep while I knit. They are for a little baby B, son of a fellow Sewing Mama, who was born slightly premature.
I just noticed now in the picture that the ribbing has so much to be desired. *doh* . It clearly depicts that I was hanging by a thread, knitting in stupor...but I really tried to focus (I swear), because I wanted to finish it before he decides that he wasnts to undergo a growth spurt.
This is the Chai Latte colorway by Morwenna. Knit with Theresa's Picky Pants Pattern.
OK, I'm off to nap (notice I say Nap. Not "sleep"). Because I anticipate one of my sweet-ones will call for me in an hour or 2.
Those are cute! I think you just gave the ribbing some character! ;)
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