Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A picture is worth a thousand words.

This year begins my first of being the family taxi-driver. The One Who Bringeth the Children Everywhere. I think I get in the car to drive a minimum of four times a day, from having Greggy and Cooper in different schools...with opposite class schedules! Dear goodness, I have a long year ahead of me.

But just when I am about to hang my keys and curse this entire phase of our lives - and to think this is only the beginning! - something sweet and fulfilling comes about, and I am renewed.

A couple of weeks ago, I finally met dear Julia...a mama friend I only knew through Xanga...and with her budding, wonderful new Photography Business, we found a reason to get together. And she blessed us with her magic, sprinkled some pixie dust using her gracious eye and her fabulous camera...and an afternoon spent at a local farm turned into a lifetime of memories.

She sent me all of my proofs today, and what I saw was exactly what I needed to witness: a family growing, together.

These kids are mine. Good. Beautiful. Children. They came from God, and I carried, labored and bore them. And now they are their own personalities, they are all unique. But in their eyes, I see me, and I see Greg.

What an absolute honor.

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